• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023


  • Thank you for the input. The response here has been very encouraging. The application i created is actually not written in Java, but mostly in typescript for nextjs app and go for k8s worker pods. The server-side worker components are built to be extremely efficient to cut down on compute costs.

    If people are interested, I could record a demo of my proof of concept, which could highlight the functionality and ease of integration. It’s still rather ugly of ux, but it’s functionality is there. I had imagined that if anyone wanted to integrate with this system, they would likely have their own user experiences into which they want to expose this functionality.

    I have built a REST api, a typescript SDK, and a CLI.

    The system itself has a basic ui, auth, compute tagging with stripe billing all mostly complete. It starts and stops workers to save compute based on who’s subscribed. The largest cost of this system is the EKS and ec2 costs and the price of the rabbitMQ. Both of which would be very healthy for shared enterprise use with ~$200/Month in overhead costs. The eks jobs are tagged with the user who started the job… we could theoretically charge consumers of the watchers directly for their compute costs at a very modest fee to offset that overhead. Perhaps free tiers for startups/hobby, then $5-10/ watcher/month for anything with significant load.