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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2023

  • The question isn’t whether it’s the best or not more so than is it the chain that, given the needs answers the best at this particular moment. And if we want mass adoption we will need to have the big boys coming in. What do they need? Super high through put for HFT, low fees and stability… if solana gets accepted, taken by wall street and the banks, it’s a massive win! Game wise they seem to be doing some cool stuff tho I still think gaming is marginal somehow. If we the trading infrastructure continues to develop then yeah, it will be a killer chain. I don’t see why anyone would still bet on Ethereum given the fees exception be made of the fact that: we know it works, it’s the oldest chain and thus has the most users but, even in the EVM world it’s hardly the best one…

  • It’s only money man, it can be made again. You have however learned a valuable lesson: Patience.

    Use that new found skill well and seat on your hands with your future investments a bit more. I know it’s hard, I did something similar to what you did during the last cycle, had to endure the sight of a -70% portfolio for the entirety of the bear market. Forced me to DCA while everything was at rock bottom, when everyone was saying that we’d go lower etc…

    It was a good lesson for me too, makes you a lot more resistant to FOMO as well mind you but it does hurt. Pride is a bitch and a vile councilor, don’t listen to her too much. Patience is a much better mistress imo