Hi All, I’ve had my smart wallet for well over a year now with L1 & L2 both activated. This morning I transferred some items from my GME Wallet and was just curious, should I be storing my tokens/coins in L2 or L1? Same question for NFTs.
Thanks for the help Loop Gang.
I’m of the opinion all the action will happen on L2, so to me it just doesn’t make sense to keep buying/selling/trading on L1 while paying the gas fees. I don’t have a single NFT on L1 other than an ENS I bought a few years ago and keep on a ledger.
Yea if you had the GSW and plugged into their marketplace that was L2. Cheaper fees.
Bridging tokens from L2 -> L1 has a network fee associate w it (same for NFTs). So it’s possible but really up to you. Same for going from L1 -> L2.
Can also use both. Depends what your using the wallet for
I sent $150 ethereum to my lrc wallet. Go to activate layer 1 Tap activate Then there’s the screen select token to activate and this message pops up -
Error has occurred please try again
Uh… alright. So my ethereum is stuck there, and my imx is stuck on the gme wallet? What