Any help here is much appreciated my GODs tokens have been lost for quite a while didn’t know this was an option and I have one day lol
What is this wallet? It’s not metamask is it?
I can probably give you an idea on what to do once I understand what wallet, and what chains is it on.
Yeah Gamestop is heavily based around MetaMask so similar method applies, can just Google for “TOKENNAME contract” and get whatever ID you need for a balance to show up on the wallets if the tokens somehow don’t get detected automatically like they should for major tokens. Both tend to ignore new tokens just so that you don’t keep seeing spam and junk tokens in your list when spammers send to your addresses, but top 100 should be pre-programmed and loaded as soon as it sees a balance.
Contract address can be found by searching ‘Loopring Contract Address’ on the internet
Also found on etherscan, coinmarketcap, and other coin price tracking sites
It is
PS: I locked the comments to avoid scammers. More have been active in several discord channels. Feel free to join our discord for more help and community input