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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 20th, 2023

  • As many others said, they can’t. Very simply put, u r just letting the network know that u “let this validator speak for u with X much of sol power u locked” (kinda)Reason the high yield validator + 0% fees! exist is that 1. Validator is new and want to promote (mostly temporary 0% fee) 2. Validator will, nearing the staking reward, increase the commission (validator’s share of staking reward) to 100%. Therefore they get all the staking rewards from ur sol power (which isn’t what u want).If you don’t want to stress over commission changes n’stuff, u might wanna check out “Liquid Staking”. Simply put, protocol picks best validators and manages staking for u, like a fund manager for staking. Difference is instead of locking raw sol in wallet, u will “deposit” ur sol into the protocol and mint equivalent a proof-of-deposit tokens in ur wallet. These will by nature accrue sol values over time so that when you return/swap that proof-of-deposit tokens after some time u get original amount + earned sol from staking. These tokens are treated as sol equivalents in many defi protocols on solana. (lose’em u don’t get ur sol back)

    If you want to check out I recommendMarinade [ mSol ] https://marinade.finance/ - OG, great comprehensive guide, can never go wrongJito Network [ jitoSol ] https://www.jito.network/ - Building reputations, currently on points event (implying possible airdrop)SolBlaze [ bSol ] https://solblaze.org/ - New, lots of promo with defi, also airdrops

  • If u r looking to trade nft for gains, Tensor shows better candle charts in both sol & usd value; also more volumes go through tensor now.

    Whole process is simple; have ur wallet loaded with sol from cex -> connect ur wallet to the marketplace -> when buying, “confirm” the buy transaction and viola!
    Selling is simple reverse instead of sol u send the nft in marketplace’s custody and when matching buyer pays the price, sol is sent to u.