Pretty super unlikely. Current supply is 562,637,014. 2030 is just over 6 years away. Sol has had an inflation of 5%. Result would be 753,987,409 sol. To get to 3200 per token you would need a market cap of 2,412,759,708,800 (2.412T)
Pretty super unlikely. Current supply is 562,637,014. 2030 is just over 6 years away. Sol has had an inflation of 5%. Result would be 753,987,409 sol. To get to 3200 per token you would need a market cap of 2,412,759,708,800 (2.412T)
Just stake it in a wallet like phantom or exodus. You don’t want to lock it up with a project that adds more risk.
Same reason no one will talk about it when it dumps 99.99%