I have uploaded 2 Files with the IPFS Desktop APP. When i click on Share Link and put the Link in the browser i find nothing and get a Timeout after a few minutes. When I click on Inspect and then on
View on Public Gateway also nothing happens. When i click on “View on Local Gateway” the file is beeing downloaded. What did i do wrong? Why cant nobody access my file through IPFS?

Thanks in advance!

(The Link to the second file: https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmXyeWVSj4G87eNwSpKzS2h7FbbRiAuaJwk5qXR8LNbAwd?filename=verify\_range.zok ).



  • DigitalDude_42@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    The file you posted worked for me. So it must have gotten there as you were trying to fetch it.

    I got,

    import "hashes/sha256/512bitPadded.code" as sha256;
    from "ecc/babyjubjubParams" import BabyJubJubParams;
    import "signatures/verifyEddsa.code" as verifyEddsa;
    import "ecc/babyjubjubParams.code" as context;
    def main(u32 min, u32 max, u32 [8] attr, private u32 [8] vc, private field[2] R, private field S, field[2] A, u32[8] M0, u32[8] M1) -> bool{
        //Verify Signature (R,S) with PupKey (A) on Hash (M0, M1)
    	BabyJubJubParams context = context();
        bool isVerified = verifyEddsa(R, S, A, M0, M1, context);
        u32[8] hash1 = sha256(attr, vc);
        // M0 is the first 32 bytes of sha256(input 1 || vc) || sha256(attr || vc)
        bool hashcheck = hash1 == M0;
        bool rangeCheck = vc[7] >= min && vc[7] <= max;
        bool r = isVerified && hashcheck && rangeCheck;
        return r;