Hey everyone,

I’ve been deep into blockchain development, especially with Solidity and Hardhat, and have a strong background in C/C++. Lately, I’ve been gearing up to start developing on Solana, and I’ve noticed Rust is often mentioned in this context. Now, I’m a big fan of C++, and I’m trying to decide if learning Rust is the right move for me.

Here’s my situation: I want to fully leverage Solana’s capabilities, but I need to understand why Rust is so prominent with Solana, and whether it’s worth investing my time to learn it, given my existing expertise in C++.

Would love to hear your thoughts, experiences, and any advice on:

  1. The key differences between Rust and C++ in the context of blockchain development.
  2. The advantages Rust might offer specifically for Solana development.
  3. Any learning curve insights for a C++ developer picking up Rust.

Any learning curve insights for a C++ developer picking up Rust?