Hi, this is Zantetsu from the Shinobi Systems validator. First - thank you to everyone who stakes with and supports my validator. Your support is what enables me to work every day on projects to better the Solana ecosystem.

I’ve created a new ranking for validators which is based on voting performance. It’s called the Solana Poor Performers List and it includes validators who have bad voting performance. The rankings are based on metrics not collected on any other site, but that give valuable insight into the performance of validators that actually impacts Solana’s overall performance.

The list is here:


It is updated every 5 minutes. I think it would be great if stakers would check this list before staking to ensure that the validator they are contemplating staking to is not hurting Solana’s performance. And it would be even better if stakers would sometimes check the list to make sure that their validator isn’t there.

As I mentioned in one of the FAQ questions, the goal is not to get stakers to instantly de-stake poor performing validators. The goal is to get stakers to communicate with their validators to apply pressure to get them to improve performance, and only de-stake if they are unwilling or unable to.

Solana can only go as fast as the validators who actually run it. Applying pressure to the worst performers is a great way to help Solana stay strong and performant.