I’ve read the whitepaper/greenpaper that Jupiter published (https://station.jup.ag/blog/green-paper) on their upcoming coin $JUP. Love the project and have used the aggregator throughout their existence so I’m optimistic for anything they drop as a team but I’m confused as to what will give $JUP value?

It seems as though it’s primary function is going to be a governance token that will allow it’s holder to vote in a DAO for matters on “timing of initial liquidity provision, future emissions beyond the initial mint, and key ecosystem initiatives, including determining the projects that will be a part of Jupiter Start” <- direct quote from the greenpaper. But that seems to be about it? Holding $JUP will just give you a seat at the table.

Would love if someone more familiar with the project or incentive structure could help me figuring out if I am missing something?

In hearing about its initial launch I thought it would be more akin to a BNB or FTT where holding would reduce fees when using the exchange itself? But I have not seen anything to point to that use case which has been quite lucrative in the past. This launch seems more like UNI for Uniswap back in 2020 and that never really took off (#23 on CMC but w/ down only chart).